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(1 edit)

Perhaps I did not manage to fully understand the mechanics, but in general the concept is interesting. The sound content is amazing)



I'm kinda on the fence on this one. It feels like a coaching game, where you prepare your "players" and let it run to see if your team wins. Still, it's well presented, though I wish there was more instructions on how to play the game, since it's not really clear what the benefits of having the items are. Like, does having milk and/or lasagna affect their speed, stamina etc.?

The layout for the main menu was also a little visually confusing with the alternating text and pictures. I would suggest just keeping things similar, if you're not going to utilize any borders to divide the selection options, or simply have larger spacing in between.

Hope this wasn't too harsh a criticism.



I get that it probably wasnt intended but going in with no idea what to expect, and having to figure everything out myself, was actually a pretty cool experience

From what I could gather you're meant to buy cats which you can then race with, but unfortunately you can end up with negative money, which sorta breaks everything. There were also some items that you can buy, but because of the negative money I couldnt im not too sure what thats all about??

Overall the game was definitely unique and is a lot more memorable than some of the other entries ive played


Hey, Thank you man its great to see an honest review, The negative money thing was overlooked in a void function I fixxed it after I submitted and that version with the fix should be the file called Instead of I didnt know the rules about resubmission so I left both versions on the page, It should be more clear to those who download from now on

Hi, I try to play your game but unfortunatly I don't understand how control works. I am on a screen where I can't figure how to go back.

-Aurelien Loesdon

Hey, I couldn't figure out how the game works either! What's the objective?


Hey so I defintely should have made a tutorial but the time was tight! either way the objective is to get as much money as possible, you spend it in the shop and use carrer mode to get more money, and to race! Items improve your cat's skill.


"okay so its just a game about cats racing, so just do something simple for the music"

For real, Credit to ushear he popped off on the music for no reason

Uploaded! Have fun with this little game